Friday, February 10, 2006

Videohelp now has a PVP forum

Review: MPIO FG200

The good:
Solid build
Nice price for a Video player
Very small
Comes in a varaity of sizes up to 1 GB
Internal battery; charges via USB

The bad:
Small screen (but you know that going into it)
Package decieves the customer by stating it plays divx when it actually only plays them by conversion to the poor quality, low resolution amv video format like all those chinese ebay MP4 players.

The ugly:

There is *no* way to turn off the timer on screen when watching a video. I've even used no name mp4 ebay players that know how to do that. Contacted tech support and the rep knew all about it and mentioned that others have called in as well and they said they have no fix for this.

The verdict: Back to Best Buy it went. D minus